The Tip of the COVID Bioweapon Iceberg <~ The Aging Viking

Fauci continues to blatantly lie…..saying mRNA injections saved a million lives


The CDC’s own data reveals a staggering 17 million deaths attributed to mRNA injections, a figure that continues to climb. This alarming statistic does not even account for the millions left crippled or on the brink of death due to heart failures and aggressive cancers post-injection, who may still succumb to early deaths over the coming decade. Moreover, it has come to light that the NIH, CDC, and FDA have been allegedly turning a blind eye, misfiling, or concealing VAERS reports, further exacerbating the crisis and ignoring real deaths.

About michael burgwin

A child of the peace and antiWar movements, a Truther with self-diagnosed Opposition Defiance Disorder, formerly politically liberal tho now politically marooned, and Post-Doomer, on any issue, I trend to the conspiracy side, sort through the absurd, fantastical and insane, until I find firm ground usually located just the other side of the censorship firewall of propaganda and orthodoxy, dogma, and other either / or thinking.
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