Can we vaccinate ourselves out of this pandemic? <~ Voice for Science and Solidarity by Geert Vanden Bossche


Dr Mark Trozzi MD on X: “Dr Geert Vanden Bossche explains: The Great Mistake (Pt1) 🦠💉 Dr Vanden Bossche warned the world not to do it. Here I am joined by Dr Vanden Bossche to analyse a microbiological nightmare that is unfolding. The genetic “vaccines” continue to drive the evolution of immune escape.

About michael burgwin

A child of the peace and antiWar movements, a Truther with self-diagnosed Opposition Defiance Disorder, formerly politically liberal tho now politically marooned, and Post-Doomer, on any issue, I trend to the conspiracy side, sort through the absurd, fantastical and insane, until I find firm ground usually located just the other side of the censorship firewall of propaganda and orthodoxy, dogma, and other either / or thinking.
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